About Xe Iaso

Senior Technophilosopher, Ottawa, CAN, a speaker, writer, chaos magician, and committed technologist.

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Rebuilding my homelab: Suffering as a service

2024-05-15 08:00:00

Pikmin 3: No Fruit, No Problem - 0 Fruit in 2h24m

2024-05-04 08:00:00

Building a social network from scratch on a whiteboard

2024-05-03 08:00:00

Much ado about "nothing"

2024-04-27 08:00:00

I somehow managed to lock myself out of my Authy secrets

2024-04-21 08:00:00

"No way to prevent this" say users of only language where this regularly happens

2024-04-21 08:00:00

"No way to prevent this" say users of only language where this regularly happens

2024-04-08 08:00:00

Sharing the best of my photos as wallpapers

2024-04-07 08:00:00

Introducing ChatMimi: The Xe Iaso Cinematic Universe (XICU) Chatbot

2024-04-01 08:00:00

liblzma and xz version 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 are vulnerable to arbitrary code execution compromise

2024-03-29 08:00:00